Why Standing Yoga Poses Are An Essential Part Of Yoga Practice?

Standing Yoga Poses


Standing yoga poses are an essential part of yoga practice. They are the first poses we learn and often practice because they activate and strengthen our bodies in preparation for what is to come.

Standing poses inform the rest of our yoga practice, teaching us many important actions which are put to use when we come to approach the different groups of asanas and more advanced yoga poses, including inversions. They help to build strength in the lower body, particularly your ankles, glutes, hamstrings, and quads. They also improve your core stability and balance, as well as your mobility and flexibility. Standing poses also help to maintain balance and control of the deep core muscles of the leg, back, and abdomen. They teach us important muscular actions, balance, stability, while cultivating stamina and will power.

In summary, standing yoga poses are important because they: Activate and strengthen our bodies in preparation for what is to come. Inform the rest of our yoga practice. Build strength in the lower body. Improve core stability and balance. Improve mobility and flexibility.

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