Crescent Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana) is a yoga pose that involves a low lunge with the back knee on the ground and the front knee bent at a 90-degree angle. The torso is upright, and backbend.
Crescent Low Lunge Backbend Pose
Backward-Bending Pose Yoga
Gets its name after Lord Hanuman’s mother named Anjani or Anjaniya, ‘asana’ means ‘pose’
To enter into the basic hips and heart opener, the pose is performed by stretching one leg behind and placing the other one in front with the knee bent and the foot on the floor. The arms are raised with palms joined in Namaste expanding the chest and stretching the neck.
Next, add the backbend variation by lengthening the east side of the body (front), and let’s go into a back bending! Stretching the front body, reaching back, elevate the chest and head aligned with the spine and arms.
Deep stretch of the heart, neck, with a gentle throw of the head backwards, stretches the muscles around the neck region close to the thyroid gland.
Deep stretch to the spine improves the flexibility.
A heart open which improves blood circulation along with breathing.
Stimulates the internal organs at the abdomen.
Builds better energy within the body.
As you press forward into the lunge, stretches the hips, groin, psoas, quadriceps.
Throat Chakra
(Vishuddha Chakra)
Self-Expressive Identity, Communication, And Integrity.
Heart Chakra
(Anahata Chakra)
Social identity, love, and relationship.
1. From Mountain Half Way Lift, as you exhale go down on your left knee resting the entire leg stretched behind you on the floor.
2. Inhale raise the arms up shoulder width apart and lengthening.
3. Exhale, gradually contracting the transverse, toning the left side of the buttock , and starting to backbend while keeping the arms aligned with head.
4. Go deeper into the pose, pushing the right thigh towards the floor while feeling the stretch at the left hips and torso up by back bending.
Notice in this pose, palms can be touched together.
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